Peer Reviewed Articles

Durepos, G (2017). In praise of fragmentation in historical organization studies.  Workplace Review.  April Issue, 4-17.  See  the article here: 


Durepos, G. & Mills, A. G. (2017).  ANTi-History, relationalism and the historic turn in management and organization studies.  Qualitative Research in Organization and Management, 12(1) 53-67.


Durepos, G., McKinlay, A. & Taylor, S. (2017). Narrating histories of women at work: in and out of the archive. Business History, 59(8) 1261-1279.

Mills, A., Suddaby, R., Foster, W., & Durepos, G. (2016). Re-visiting the historic turn 10 years later: current debates in management and organizational history – an introduction. Management & Organizational History, 11(2) 67-76.


Prasad, A. & Durepos, G. (2016). From margin to center: listening to silenced subjectivities in international business. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 12(3) forthcoming.


Durepos, G., Prasad, A. & Villanueva, C. E. (2016). How might we study international business to account for marginalized subjects? Turning to practice and situating knowledges. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 12(3) forthcoming.


Mills, A., Weatherbee, T., & Durepos, G. (2014). Resembling Weber: the-past-as-history in management and organization studies. Organization, 21(2) 225-243.


Weatherbee, T., Durepos, G., Mills, A. J., & Helms Mills, J. (2012). Theorizing the past: critical engagements. Management & Organizational History, 7(3) 193-202.


Durepos, G., Mills, A., & Weatherbee, T. (2012). Theorizing the past: realism, relativism, relationalism & the reassembly of Weber. Management & Organizational History, 7(3) 267-281.


Durepos, G., & Mills, A. (2012). Actor network theory, ANTi-History, and critical organizational historiography. Organization, 19(6) 703-721.


Hartt, C., Mills, A., Helms Mills, J., & Durepos, G. (2012). Markets, organizations, institutions and national identity: Pan American Airways, postcoloniality and Latin America. Critical Perspectives of International Business, 8(1) 14-36.


McLaren, P. G., Mills, A., & Durepos, G. (2009). Disseminating Drucker: knowledge, tropes and the North American management textbook. Journal of Management History. 15(4), 388-403.


Hartt, C., Mills, A., Helms Mills, J., & Durepos, G. (2009). Guiding the space age from the ground up: Pam Am, Cold War and guided missiles. Management & Organizational History, 4(3), 229-245.


Durepos, G., Mills, A. J., and Helms Mills, J. (2008). Tales in the manufacture of knowledge: writing a company history of Pan American Airways. Management & Organizational History, 3(1), 63-80.


Durepos, G., Helms Mills, J. & Mills, A. (2008). Flights of fancy: Myth, monopoly and the making of Pan American Airways. Journal of Management History, 14(2), 116-127.